Senghenydd Bowls Club
Booking information
Any person experiencing Covid-19 symptoms on the date they have booked must not attend the green.
Anyone wishing to play bowls at Senghenydd Welfare Park must pre-book a rink with the Booking Officer appointed for that purpose – Ken Davies on 07896909808.
You will not be able to play on the green without having previously booked a rink.
In making the booking you are also indicating that you have read all the information below and understand and will comply with the requirements/limitations indicated.
On attending the green you will be required, in accordance with the Track and Trace provisions, to provide your name, address and contact details. If you do not provide this information you will not be permitted to go on the green.
In accordance with current Welsh Government, Welsh Bowls and Caerphilly County Borough Council legislation and guidance, participants must comply with the following requirements/limitations:-
access to the pavilion will not be permitted except to use the toilet facilities. Anyone using those facilities will be expected to use the sanitisers provided to sanitise every surface they would have come into contact with;
no equipment may be stored at the pavilion;
playing equipment must be sterilised before, during and after use – jacks and mats are to be used by just one person on the rink;
alternate rinks will be used to maintain the social distancing requirements currently in force, which must also be followed on the rinks being used;
no alcohol is permitted on the green (this includes not just the playing area but the surrounds as well);
no spectators are allowed;
while the Clubs will provide sanitisers, participants are encouraged to use their own;
sessions on rinks will be limited to 1 hour. If, however, the demand, or lack of it permits, the session time may be extended;
participants must take any litter they generate home with them.